
 Title _The strength of the body structure is not the only consideration.

    Tensile Stress(TS) for exploring the design of the body structure is the key point to emphasize as a matter of fact that the most important factor is Yield Stress (YS). Tensile Stress(TS) measures the force of a structural beam required to the point where it breaks. Data show that about 20 percent of the vehicle structure design is as a priority consideration in Tensile Stress(TS),such as bumpers, chassis impact beams ...... etc.

    Yield Stress (YS) is defined in materials science as the stress at which a material begins to deform plastically. It is a general summary of the impact forced by simulation of deformation .The large deformation is presented by the phenomenon of lower Yield Stress (YS)(lower yielding behavior) when the two bodies are subjected to impact forces in a similar way. On the contrary, the upper Yield Stress (YS) is on behalf of the small deformation.

    About 80% of the design and construction of buses are bringing Yield Stress (YS) to the mainstream of vehicle market value, such as the body of frame , sheet metal parts , the outer covering and so on. The improvements as a priority consideration in Yield Stress (YS) can enhance the safety of driving the vehicle, but also prevent noise pollution caused by the engine or uneven road vibration.

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